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A Note From the Executive Directors

Dear Parent,

Hello and welcome to Beacon Hill and HighPointe, your “Pre-schools of Excellence”

Sheila Holton and Diane DeSena are the Executive Directors of Beacon Hill Pre-School and HighPointe. We would like to extend a very warm welcome to you and your family.

Your executive directors have been in child care for over forty years. Sheila has a degree in early childhood education and also holds a Florida Director’s Credential. Diane holds a degree in Elementary Education and a Florida Director’s Credential.

We make every attempt to employ staff who are loving, compassionate, patient, and dependable, as well as experienced. Each staff member is screened and investigated by DCF, with the assistance of the FBI. Most of our teachers hold Child Development Associate CDA Credentials, which are posted in the office. All of our staff hold First Aid and CPR cards. Our staff also participate in continuous programs of in-service training and education.

Our center is designed, structured, equipped, and staffed to meet your child’s needs; to grow, develop, play, and learn in a safe, stimulating, and loving environment. This is your child’s home away from home. It is our expressed goal to prepare your child for kindergarten.

We have a structured learning program to meet your child’s specific needs.
Our program is designed to:

Help your child develop habits of observation, questioning, and listening
Challenge and enhance his/her intellectual, physical, and social skills
Build self-confidence and self worth
Give the children an awareness of their own feelings and of their right to express those feelings by sometimes channeling them into other means of expression
Teach each child to make wise choices
Provide time for each child to grow, time and room to explore and experiment, time to discover, time to play, and most of all TIME TO BE A CHILD.
Experiences and opportunities are provided daily to promote The Florida State School Readiness Performance Standards. This prepares your child for “elementary” school.

We provide learning centers where the children will have the freedom to explore the various learning activities and interest centers that have been prepared daily. Remember, to children, play is work and each week, each day, each hour, the children are challenged and learn by the “work” that they do.

You are always welcome to come and play and learn with us.

Sheila & Diane


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